REUSE Practices – Version 2.0
Unofficial translations are available in:
1. Provide the exact text of each license used
Free and open source software licenses are standardised and have standard texts. Regardless of which license you use, you should include the license text in your project.
You must include all licenses which are used in your project, and you must never change any license texts even if they are very similar to existing ones.
The easiest way to make sure that you provide an unchanged license is by copying
it verbatim from this repository of
licenses maintained by the SPDX
Workgroup. The SPDX Workgroup maintains a list of commonly-used
licenses. Each license has a shorthand name (called an SPDX
identifier) that can be used to uniquely reference each license. For instance,
the GNU GPL version 3 has GPL-3.0
as shorthand identifier.
If your project only includes code licensed under a single license, you may
provide the text of this license in a file in the top level directory of your
repository with the name LICENSE
(you may
attach some suffix to the filename as well, such as LICENSE.txt
Since many projects include code under different licenses, it’s often not
feasible to include all licenses in the top level, in which case you should
create a directory at the top level called LICENSES
within which you
include the license text of each license used.
Some licenses, like the BSD 2 Clause license, exist in many variations where the only difference is the name of the copyright holder in the license text. Your project may end up including multiple versions of the same BSD 2 Clause license because some parts may be written by Alice and others by Bob, resulting in two different license files.
When you have added all of your license files, they should all match the glob
. These are the common
places to find licenses. If you place your license elsewhere, it is possible
that humans and computers alike may overlook it.
In order to be able to reference the license file from your source code, you
should embed the SPDX identifier (e.g., GPL-3.0
) of each license into
the corresponding license file. The easiest way to do this is to simply include
the name of the license into the filename: The license file for GPL-3.0
becomes LICENSES/GPL-3.0.txt
If it is not possible to rename your file (for instance, if you want to have the
license text under COPYING
), then you should add a header to the file in
tag-value format. You can add this header either to the license file itself, or
in a file with the same filename suffixed with .license
. The header must
include a Valid-License-Identifier
tag, the value of which should be the SPDX
identifier for your license. The header should terminate with the
tag to signal the start of your license. The header may include
other tags.
This is an example of an MIT license file, which conveys that all references to
the SPDX identifier MIT
should point to this license file.
Valid-License-Identifier: MIT
MIT License
Copyright (c) <year> <copyright holders>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
While the identifier should be a license in the SPDX license list, it should be noted that the license text itself may not necessarily be released under that license, nor does the tag claim that.
The license identifier may be repeated if the same license file is used
with multiple license identifiers. The example below is for GPL-2.0
, but please note that it is not mandatory to list GPL-2.0+
Valid-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
Valid-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
If the license is not included in the SPDX license list, or the license is a
modified version of a license included in that list, you should create a custom
identifier for it in the form LicenseRef-<unique_code>
Valid-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MyLicense
In the unlikely event your source code includes exceptions, such as the
Classpath exception 2.0, you may include them in the same place as your licenses, using
the same header style or the tags SPDX-Exception-Identifier
instead. This is an example of a valid exception:
SPDX-Exception-Identifier: Classpath-exception-2.0
Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and
conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
Keep in mind
- Don’t change any license texts, use the verbatim form of the license text.
- Don’t remove any license texts, include the license texts of all software.
- Include the SPDX identifier in each license file, either by including it in the filename or by inserting a header, such that you can refer to the license from the source code files.
2. Include a copyright notice and license in each file
Source code files are often reused across multiple projects, taken from their origin and repurposed, or otherwise end up in repositories where they are separate from its origin. You should therefore ensure that all files in your project have a comment header that convey that file’s copyright and license information: Who are the copyright holders and under which license(s) do they release the file?
It is highly recommended that you keep the format of these headers consistent across your files. It is important, however, that you do not remove any information from headers in files of which you are not the sole author.
You must convey the license information of your source code file in a
standardised way, so that computers can interpret it. You can do this with an
tag followed by an SPDX expression defined by the SPDX
Copyright notices in a comment header should have a consistent format and be sorted by year. They should list the actual copyright holder, which may be an organisation rather than the author. For example:
* Copyright (c) 2017 Alice Commit <>
* Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Bob Denver <>
* Copyright (c) 2007 Company Example <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
You should include information about your project’s practices in the README or similar file. This could be as simple as linking to these practices.
All source files which are included in the final build of your project (verbatim, modified, partially, or in compiled form) must have copyright and license information contained within them. If it is not possible to add a header to the file, either because the file is a binary or because the format does not support comments, you must provide the information separately in one of three ways:
- You may include a textfile called
in which you store your regular comment header with all the necessary information to convey the license information about the file calledFILENAME
. - If you have many such files, but each have the same copyright notice and license, you may instead use the DEP-5/copyright file format, and place a single copyright notice documenting those files.
- If you have a way of automatically generating an inventory of included files
in SPDX format (see practice 3), you may use this and do not need to
separately include a
file or DEP-5/copyright file.
If you wish to be explicit about the license of an output file, which does
not exist in the repository but which will be created at build time, you
may include a .license
file without the corresponding binary file.
If your project includes documentation which is not included in the final build artefact, you are encouraged but not obliged to include license information for these too.
If the source code is licensed under a license such as BSD-2-Clause
, where the
license texts may differ for each different copyright holder, you should
reference the specific license each time. Thus for files written by Alice,
reference to LicenseRef-BSD-2-Clause-Alice
, and for files written by Evil
Corp, reference to LicenseRef-BSD-2-Clause-Evil-Corp
, and include both those
licenses separately in LICENSES
(see practice 1).
You may record information about copyright by relying on the underlying version control system you’re using, but special care must be taken if you do. Keep in mind version control systems typically record authorship, not copyright.
For a project using the version control system to convey information about copyright, you must:
- make sure the version control system is publicly accessible and take steps1 to ensure it will remain so,
- provide a link back to the original file in version control from each header,
- ensure that if someone copies the source repository without version control system metadata (such as if they make a tar-file of it), then the version control system metadata relevant for determining copyright must still be included, for example in the form of a bill of materials (see later), an automatically generated log file or similar,
- make sure the commit metadata reflect the actual copyright (this is particularly important if a project accepts code contributed through mailing lists, bug trackers, or similar, where the original copyright holder is not the one pushing code to version control, or where the copyright is held by an organisation rather than the author.)
An appropriate header in this case would be:
* This file is part of project X. It's copyrighted by the contributors
* recorded in the version control history of the file, available from
* its original location
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
Keep in mind
- Use a consistent style of your headers throughout the project.
- Don’t remove existing headers, but only add to them.
- Do consider using version control systems to keep a record of copyright holders.
- Do keep your version control system public if you use it.
- Make references to the SPDX identifier from each source code file.
- Record copyright information in each source code file.
- Include license and copyright information also for files which can not include a proper header, either in a separate .license file, or using the DEP-5/copyright specification.
3. Provide an inventory for included software
Aside from the license files included in the project, and the file level copyright information, you may include a bill of materials for your project, but you should only do so if this is generated automatically.
A bill of materials can be very complicated and lengthy, making it difficult to maintain. If you do not generate it automatically, it’s very likely someone will forget to update it when making changes. In these cases, it’s best not to have a bill of materials, but to rely only on the information coupled with the source code files.
If you do have a way of automatically creating a bill of materials, and if you choose to do so, you should generate it automatically from the most reliable information you have about each file in your project. This includes copyright information kept in version control systems and licenses on files which include a standard header, or which includes the header in a separate license file.
You may also choose to include in the bill of materials your output files generated when compiling the project, such that you can signal through the bill of materials, which license is relevant for the output files depending on the included source code.
The bill of materials should be conformant to the SPDX specification and
included in a file in the top level directory of your repository called
Keep in mind
- Don’t create a bill of materials if you can’t generate it automatically.
- If you generate one automatically, it’s helpful to include one.
- Make your bill of materials conformant to the SPDX specification.
- It doesn’t hurt to run your project through ScanCode or FOSSology, to make sure these tools can parse and understand your project’s licensing.
Establish project governance committed to public access, vet material added to project to protect against vulnerability to takedown, only include material under a free and open source license so it can be copied and archived freely and ensure project is archived by institutions dedicated to long-term preservation of software code, eg. Software Heritage. ↩︎